How do I view and create Administrators in the GoAware Portal?

The Administrators module in the GoAware Portal is where you can view all administrators and create new ones. You must either be a Super Administrator or Manage Administrator to view this module.

Note: Administrators with the Manage Notifications permission set cannot view this.

Administrators Module: All Administrators

To access the All Administrators section, select the Administrators module in the menu and then select "All Administrators".

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All Administrator Module Key:

  1. Filter your administrator list by status (active or inactive) and privilege level (Manage Administrators or Manage Notifications)
  2. Search bar allows you to search for specific names, phone numbers, or email addresses.
  3. Name column: shows the administrator’s name.
  4. Email column: shows the administrator’s email address.
  5. Mobile column: shows the administrator’s phone number.
  6. Privileges column: shows the level of privileges the administrator has.
  7. Status column: shows if the user is active or inactive.
  8. Actions column: select this icon in the administrator’s column to view their individual details and list of authenticated logins.

Administrators Module: Create Administrator

To access the Create Administrators section, select the Administrators module in the menu and then select "Create Administrators". This section allows you to create new Administrators.

Steps to Creating a New Administrator:

  1. Enter all of your new administrator’s information into the Admin Details box.
  2. Select the level of privilege for the administrator
    1. Super Administrator = has all administrator privileges
    2. Manage Administrators = has the ability to create other administrators, except super administrators, and can manage notifications.
    3. Manage Notifications = has the ability to create and send notifications.
  3. Press "Create Admin"
  4. Select "Create" to finalize the creation of your new administrator.
     kb article 5

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